Famous for its mention in the poem The Birks Of Aberfeldy by Robert Burns the small market town on the Tay is a great overnight stop.

Aberfeldy has no train station, but can be reached by bike on Sustrans NCN 7 and NCN 77 from the train stations in Dunkeld or Pitlochry. A supermarket, various restaurants and pubs offer good choices for food, while the Art Deco cinema is great for entertainment.

The town is well-known for Wade’s Bridge, built in 1733, who considered this bridge to be his greatest accomplishment. A striking memorial to the soldiers of the Black Watch Regiment (the Royal Highlanders) overlooks Wade’s Bridge and the River Tay, while further east along the river another unique bridge, the Aberfeldy Footbridge, is constructed entirely of composite materials and is worth a short detour. Highland Safaris in Dull, about 6 km one way, offers bike hire and a great cafe.
Routes near Aberfeldy
- Drovers Trail - Stage 2Distance kmAscent mTime 7-10 hrs
- Shores of Loch LyonDistance kmAscent mTime 2 - 4 hrs
- Aberfeldy Grand TourDistance kmAscent mTime 4 - 6 hrs
- Calliachar ForestDistance kmAscent mTime 2 - 3 hrs
- Griffin Two Lochs LoopDistance kmAscent mTime 1.5 - 3 hrs
- Aberfeldy Gravel TourDistance kmAscent mTime 2 - 3 hrs
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